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Angela Frances distinctive new collection of poems, Terminarchy <\/i>eloquently considers the troubling terms of existence in an age of climate catastrophe and technological change. How do we negotiate a world where capitalism and greed threaten a fragile earth, where technology seems to promise us connection but might also fuel isolation? Where even finding solace in nature reminds us that the seasons can no longer be trusted? How is human urge and want hastening us towards our own endling and what might it mean to be the last?

In reframing ecopoetics in her own instinctive, radical, lyrical form, France juxtaposes the accelerated, all\-consuming speed of contemporary and future times with the longtime and ancient, and considers whether, rather than collison\-course, there might be a better way to coexist. Where extinction threatens, these wry, alert poems and their eloquent, earthy voices try to find a way through and look for hope.

Terminarchy - Angela France

  • Price £9.99

    ISBN: 9781913437176

    Pub Date: 8th Jun 2021

    Format: Paperback

    Extent: 72 pp

    POETRY collection

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